Today Danish will be on his last day of school for year 2010. Sekejap aje rasanya. Cuti sekolah selama 2 bulan, like more into summer holiday. Monday nanti, I'll be busy handling the boys, suara akan tinggi sikit pitchingnya and more busy than before.
I also have to list down some activities to do over the holiday, takut nanti the boys bosan pulak terperap aje di rumah. Maybe a tour at the museum, or even the zoo. Thought of nak bawak pi strawberry picking, tapi since the weather agak kelam-kabut so tak ada tulis dalam agenda la. Lagipun, Daddy Jack busy nak menyiapkan his writing especially on his data collection. Tengoklah macamana yer.
beshnya danish ..lama tu cuti 2 bln..
ReplyDeleteseronok diaorg conteng jalan tu kan. ryan tak ketinggalan