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Thursday, 23 February 2012
Perjumpaan guru
Selasa lepas, after kes Ryan and his yoghurt ada perjumpaa cikgu bersama ibu bapa di sekolah Danish. the session start at 615 so dah agak lewat sikit. But still, masih terang benderang lagi and cuaca pun warm sikit.
Its like school open day which the students akan membawa ibu bapa melawat all the classrooms and get to collect the stamp on the passport look alike. Bila dah collect semua stamp, boleh dapat ice-cream.
Tempat pertama yang dituju is Danish's classroom. This year, his teacher is Miss Julie Baverstock. Pernah terserempak dengannya masa di Sunday Market secara informal but now dapat jumpa secara formal pulak.
Rajinnya cikgu Danish, siap buat handout lagi..I missed my teaching days pulak. Dulu, rajin la jugak buat kerja-kerja macam nie. After 3 years tak tahulah tahap kerajinan tu ada lagi ker tak...
Danish seating table bersama his bestie, Rahul and Luca.
Adoiii, masuk kelas Danish nie rasa macam tadika pun ada juga tapi I really like the environment. Kalaulah kelas-kelas di Malaysia boleh adopt this type of style sure budak tak rasa stuck up duduk dalam kelas lama-lama. But sistem pembelajaran kita lain sikit dari Aussie atau negara lain. Macam kelas Danish nie I tengok more into learning should be fun, sebab ada satu corner tu penuh dengan mainan, colouring section and even ada macam small library.
Miss Julie is very nice teacher. She explained everything about her lesson plan for the whole terms. I really like both Danish previous teacher, Marc Johnson and Alisson Shaw. They are very good teachers and bijak merancang corak pembelajaran and some more, very informative persons.
While waiting for Miss Julie memberikan penerangan dan juga cara pengajarannya kepada all the parents, Ryan was so busy with his creative sides, colouring.
I really like educational chart, thought of nak beli and bawa balik to Malaysia, and this is one of it...bila pikir balik, baiklah design sendiri, kan.
Miss Julie explained his teaching styles, which is fun and very helpful. I tak berapa dengar sangat cos Ryan sibuk nak main kat playground so Daddy Jack aje yang dengar and bawa Danish melawat kelas-kelas yang berikutnya.
While Im busy melayan Ryan di playground, Danish and Daddy Jack ke hulu hilir mengumpulkan setem untuk mendapatkan ice-cream. So, the end of session, everyone dapat makan ice-cream.
nasib baik la kita suka belajar ms sekolah dulu kan kalo dak tak tahu la. seronok kalo sekolah gini ada kat msia.
ReplyDeleteKita dulu lain Elliss, memang suka pergi sekolah tapi kalau kelas mcm nie rasanya ramai aje yang suka nak pergi sekolah