A lot of people tanya I what is so great about Singapore yang I selalu pergi every year. Hebat sangat kah sana berbanding dengan Malaysia ? Well, I pun bukannya tak bangga dengan negara sini tapi when u find something yang tak ada kat Malaysia, especially some branded stuffs, itu yang membuatkan you rasa benda-benda tu menarik.

McD Singapore siap ada McCafe lagi sort of like mini Starbucks which is so cool. Ada pastries and some cakes. Macam kat KL, we only have breakfast sahaja. Hope that later, we will also have this McCafe.

Kalau you all tengok this shopping mall, Forum mcm cikai giler from the outside, like mcm Campbell or maybe Alam Sentral, but bila you enter, you could not believe what's inside...siap ada all the branded boutique like Armani, DKNY, BCBG dll lagi. Dahlah shopping mall nie hujung sekali and tak ramai yang masuk tapi mmg kelas. Belakang Forum nie la letaknya Hard Rock Cafe.

I love Ben & Jerry's..tapi dah tak jumpa dah kat KL. Dulu ada kat Giant, tapi sekarang nie mcm dah tak ada, even kat Cold Storage. I really love the Chocolate Fudge.

You will never find this boutique in KL, Armani for Kids. DKNY, Zara and Timbaland ada for kids kat KL, but Armani ? Sure anak-anak rasa mcm Suri Cruise takpun mcm Romeo Beckham. But what I like most while in Singapore is the latest collection of some designer. Just imagine, the latest collection of COACH handbags just arrived 2 days before Christmas. Wuhuuuuuu !!!!

betullah i just came back dat day...even some benda mmg lagi mahal dr KL tp i sukalah ambiance choices sume best..and ada yg byk takd ekat malasyai...sukalaaa
ReplyDeletebila la nak sampai singapura ni.JB pun belum jejak :(
selamat tahun baru!
semoga tahun 2010 lebih indah !