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Friday, 7 August 2009
Harga ASTRO naik
Baru-baru nie, aku dapat notice dari pihak ASTRO that the charge for sports channel akan naik. Kalau ikutkan hati, nak aje terminate the channels tapi Daddy Jack tak bagi sebab itu fav channels die. So, account atas nama I, tapi tiap-tiap bulan you yang bayar, yer.
hi gina, love ur site. suka ngan aktiviti shopping u. I pun suka shopping gak. dah lama I follow ur blog. cuma tak sempat nak komen.
but this time I can't refrain myself from doing it. Pardon me...but I have to say this. You tak takut ke paparkan all ur family pics on the blog and chat about ur shopping xtravanganzza? bad people might take advantage of it. one of the blogger has been robbed after displaying all her branded handbags.
dun take me wrong. but I feel worried about u. we can tell others what we do. but never disclose our most important details like our full name, family pics especially if u wrote stories like in this blog.
hi gina, love ur site. suka ngan aktiviti shopping u. I pun suka shopping gak. dah lama I follow ur blog. cuma tak sempat nak komen.
ReplyDeletebut this time I can't refrain myself from doing it. Pardon me...but I have to say this. You tak takut ke paparkan all ur family pics on the blog and chat about ur shopping xtravanganzza? bad people might take advantage of it. one of the blogger has been robbed after displaying all her branded handbags.
dun take me wrong. but I feel worried about u. we can tell others what we do. but never disclose our most important details like our full name, family pics especially if u wrote stories like in this blog.
thanks Elaira..i'll note on this. Better be careful next time
ReplyDeletegina i pun br dpt harga baru channel tu.... errr gile la dah nak kene bayar extra!!!
ReplyDeleteasik naik je the harga kan, i want to consider canceling some package, bukan tgk smua pun
ReplyDeletesighhh..sabar jerlah..untung byk2 pun mahu naik
ReplyDeletenyampah nya asteruk ni asik naik harga jew...lepas tu citer ulangan ..je.keje nya ..