2 in 1 Celebration - Open House
Last Satuday was areally hectic day for me...a double celebration for us, Open House and and also Ryan 1st birthday bash. Acara bermula dengan rumah terbuka. Since last year, Ayah decided to have this kambing golek as our main attraction. Last year, I didnt have a chance to invite my guest cos dalam confinement tapi this year mmg I balun habis.
Memang kambing golek menjadi tumpuan ramai. Beratur tu nak tunggu giliran. We prepared 2 ekor kambing for the guests.
This year, we all buat the dishes sikit-sikit. Tapi bak kata orang, sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit. Hambik ko...makanan mmg terlalu banyak. Last minutes Ayah tambah menu like sate for 1000 pieces, then spagetti dll. Memang sengkak la perut our guest, tambah pulak ada birthday celebration...mmg kenyang.
The guests
Open house kali nie adik I, Didi buat giler dengan mengajak satu bas students die all the way from Rembau. Terharu I bila ada di antara students die yang baca my blog nie. Thanks yer.
My girls yang tak putus-putus makan and makan lagi. Makan, makan....raya setahun sekali aje yer.
My students nie antara yang terawal sampai cos after this they all kena pegi another open house kat Nilai pulak.
My lovely students...this is the first time datang rumah I and also this is their final year...so last raya bersama-sama I. So sad to let them go. Each one of them ada their own character. I will miss them very much.
The boys will always be boys la kan.
My other girls
My students yang akan meninggalkan I bila-bila masa sahaja...batch yang happening and pening. Tak terlayan karenah mereka nie..ada yang best dan ada yang soooo quiet. Good luck for your future guys.
My other batch of students...sampai malam they all pun sanggup datang. Merekalah penutup majlis nie. I ada jemput a few bloggers friend of mine tapi I know that they all tak boleh datang cos silap I jugak, hantar invitation pun last minutes so they all dah ada comitment masing-masing. Thanks to Liza BN cos sudi datang memeriahkan majlis I yang tak seberapa nie. So sorry sangat-sangat cos I tak layan you yer Liza.
kalo tadak hal hari tu, mesti dah sampai umah you..sorry erk Gina..lenkali jangan lupa jemput yer :)
ReplyDeletesorry gina tak dapat datang...... :(
ReplyDeleteade kambing golek..rugi tak dpt dtg..kty balik kampung ade wedding..
ReplyDeleteajim mazlan ni bab2 makan mmg dia laju je dtg puan.. ahahahaha.