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I still remember the exactly this hour on 13 October 2008 where my second baby was born to this world. I had a c-section cos my baby too big...nearly 3.6 kg. My first one pun c-section and sama masalah.
Pagi-pagi dah kena puasa and the last breakfast is McBreakfast. Lepas tu kena puasa. Tepat jam 3, the nurse dah suruh salin baju and ready untuk ditolak ke Operation Theatre. I don't feel anything sebabkan ini bukannya pertama kali so dah pernah ada experience sebelum ini, kan. The staff nurse explained to me everything, asked me if I ada elegic pada apa-apa ubatan and so far no problem at all. The staff nurse keep on comforting me, suruh baca beberapa ayat-ayat Al-Quran untuk menenagkan fikiranku.
Dr Marlik Abu and his team dah prepare everything kat dalam tu and Daddy Jack pun dah bersiap sedia dengan his camera and so on.
Ajaibnya ciptaan Allah..sesungguhNya Allah itu Maha Kuasa. Actually ada sikit masalah pada diriku. I nearly lost about 1 pain of blood tapi tak perlu tambah darah. Masa pakar bius inject me the epidural, I mcm pening and nak muntah sikit becouse of my tekanan darah agak rendah. My jahitan masa anak yang sulung dulu dah melekat dengan my womb so Dr Marlik and his team mengambil masa yang agak lama untuk menjahit luka yang baru. The baby keluar hanya 15 minit tapi nak menjahit my womb took about an hour.
After sembilan bulan membawa perut ke sana kemari, akhirnya penantian itu berakhir......
The boy named Ryan Irfan Mohd Khairezan. Well, ada beberapa peristiwa yang terjadi before and after he was born. Before he was born, Im having a bad experience with my students. 3 days before my OP, the students ada kuiz for my subject. The quiz was at Main Hall cos I think ada lebih kurang 100++ students terlibat. Bila tiba waktu untuk exam, Im the only yang menjaga the students cos the other lecturer was a part time so die akan datang lambat sikit. I have to membahagikan kertas-kertas soalan di antara meja-meja untuk exam. Half of the rows I tak larat nak habiskan so I minta the students to come forward, cos Im really termengah-mengah untuk habiskan sampai barisan belakang. But the students boleh buat tak reti aje dengan arahan I. Beberapa kali jugaklah I cakap elok-elok untuk students tu ke depan but still no action. I tak tahu kenapa, suddenly I mcm sedih because the students mcm tak kesian pada I yang tengah sarat sambil tunggu masa nak bersalin aje nie. Terus, I jalan ke belakang, sambil menghempaskan the kertas soalan sambil cakap " You all buat la apa yang you all suka " sambil tinggalkan they all semua dalam dewan and menangis di luar dewan. I really upset with the students and terus balik, ambil MC and tak jumpa langsung they all. Lepas tu they all still smses me and minta maaf and so on. But I mmg patah hati ngan the students. The effect mmg hebat. Because of that incident, I tak dapat tidur for about 2 weeks and terpaksa ambil sleeping pills as prescribed by Dr Marlik !!!
Well Ryan is a well-handled boy. Senang nak menjaga die or maybe sebab I dah ada experienced before. Tak berjaga malam sgt and most of the time die hanya tido sahaja.

One happy family A year ago, we welcomed Ryan Irfan
A baby or our own.
Nervously and sleepily,
We took him to our home.
We figured out the nursing.
This goes how? and where?
We were told there would be crying,
And how to show we care.
A year has gone so quickly,
Yet we have learned so much.
We've felt a love so strongly,
In a baby's gentle touch.
His laughs and smiles. His pouts and tears.
Wow! He can get so mad!
But we wouldn't trade a minute,
As a thankful mom and dad.HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY, RYAN IRFAN
Mummy, Daddy and Danish is so luck to have you as part of the family.
hebatnya perasaan menjadi ibu..happy bday ryan the lion yang hensem :)
ReplyDeleteHeppi Besday Ryan!!!semoga jadi anak yang soleh kpd kedua ibu bapa mu shayang hehe
ReplyDeletetakut nyer tengok gmbr cik gina bersalin..huhu ni yg takut nk beranak ni..huhu
ReplyDeletehappy besday ryan! kalo ryan kuar awal sure kite leh jumpe kan gina??
ReplyDeletehappy birthday sweet ryan!
ReplyDeletehappy 1st ryan!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteheppi birthday ryan irfan
ReplyDeletesalam..berminat nk join makeup class di seri kembangan? 17hb ni? kalau nak, let me know latest rabu ni ye.. bwk kwn2, dpt diskaun! cpt tau... hehe..
happy wonderful besday lil boy ;)
ReplyDeletecomel nya akk..hahaha..tu jer yg sy ternmpk..lain nya masa akk pragnent skrg dah cun..hiks..!!!happy birthday ryan..uppss belated!!!