Danish 1st Concert
Last Sunday was a big day for Danish and also for the family. It's Danish 1st concert. The kindi's concert held at MPAJ Auditorium kat Pandan Perdana tapi sedihnya Ibu and Ayah tak boleh join sekali cos ada komitment lain at Kuantan.
Danish perlu ada kat sana one one before the concert so we all poskan die dulu pegi ngan bestfriend die sementara we all siap-siap semua. Ryan the Lion pun tak sempat nak lunch so packed up semuanya and makan aje kat sana.
Daddy Jack yang begitu gigih merakamkan every single things for this concert although the kindi will provide the DVD to the parents tapi we all rasa sure lambat.
This girl is so selfish...dahlah datang lambat siapkan booking seat untuk ahli keluarga die lagi. Patstu buat muka toya aje..mmg cilakak. Well, masa we all sampai pun, kebanyakan seat dah penuh. Biasalah satu keluarga tu bukannya just parents..anak-anak and also tok nenek segala and ada parents yang masih datang. Ada jugak yang terpaksa duduk asing-asing, kesian jugak. Well, me and Daddy Jack tak kisah cos we all tahu that we all takkan duduk diam punya cos I kena handle the still image while Daddy Jack incharge for the video. Concert dah start 10 minutes, barulah nampak mak pak budak nie datang..
I can't believe my eyes bila I tgk mak budak nie minum air direct guna botol susu anak. Takkan la ko tak bawak air ko sendiri..kalau I geli aaaa.
The dedicated principal..Mrs Law. I think dah ramai students from this kindergarden yang dah berjaya dengan hasil didikan beliau.
The graduate students....next year will be in Standard One. All the best !
The opening act..all the students will presenting the persembahan according to the theme, FantasyLand.
Danish in action...masa nie rasa terharu, mata dah bergenang dah. Sekejap aje my son dah besar although baru masuk 4 years tapi pejam celik pejam celik, dah nak masuk sekolah rendah pulak.
The first play is the playschool children..the girls, The Puppetier. So comel ngan baju blink blink tu
Next, the boys from playschool as a Pinocchio. danish la. I tak percaya that die boleh buat after what happened masa Sports Day dulu sampai tak boleh berenggang ngan I. Tapi kali nie maybe dah ada kawan-kawan so taklah rasa left out sgt.

The grand finale...everyone enjoyed themselves very well and the audience.

Antara yang datang untuk bagi support to Danish.
Danish and Daddy Jack
Im so proud of you, Danish. Next week, I will register him the same kindi
With his bestfriend, Zuhaiyr. He will celebrate his birthday somewhere in November.
Mummy and Danish
We're so proud of and we nearly cried bila tgk Danish menari atas pentas tu. Kalau I have much time, I will upload the video.
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