Khamis lepas, sebelum cuti panjang during Easter celebration, kindy Ryan mengadakan sesi mencari coklat telur sempena Easter. 30 minit sebelum tamat, all the kids membawa their own paper basket yang dibuat di dalam kelas beberapa hari sebelum itu.
The teachers put the chocolate everywhere around the playland so the kids have to find it and put it in their basket. Ryan found a few juga. Aduhhh !!! jangan sakit gigi sudah ler anak oiiii. Mahal sini kos rawatan giginya.
Kali ni Ryan adalah geng compare to last year, anak Ummi, Afiq pun sama session with Ryan.
Masih lagi mencari telur coklat di merata tempat
Ryan with his favourite teacher, Patrea
I suka cara Patrea ni handle kids, so soft spoken and lembut orangnya. I think cikgu-cikgu baik kindy and primary school in Adelaide ni penyabar orangnya, like no stress at all. Agaknya, sebab itulah nak jadi one of the teacher or volunteer here, kena ada special certificate and kena attend class. Kat class tu mungkin dah diajar cara-cara untuk handle the kids, kan.
Ryan with his friend, Jade. Selalu nampak Ryan bermain-main dengan Jade sebelum balik, tak sempat nak jumpa his parents.
Dah jumpa coklat, so makan ramai-ramai sambil menunggu parents other kids datang untuk pick up.
Some of the teachers in Ryan's kindy. Tak nampak pulak the director, Jasmine. Dulu ada satu mcm volunteer here, Julie namanya from Singapore. Maybe session lain.
I will nominate the teacher from this kindy. They were great, especially handling the children, taking care of them and most of all membuatkan the children esp Ryan rasa seronok pergi sekolah. Hopefully Ryan bila balik Malaysia nanti taklah takut nak ke sekolah.
The kid in yellow shirt is Jeremy. Masa early days dulu, asyik la melalak aje bila we all hantar Ryan sampaikan Ryan macam fobia jugaklah nak ke sekolah. Kadang tu Jeremy ni menjerit-jerit like menunjuk perasaan kena tinggal but the teacher tak pujuk, just let it be ajelah, nanti die senyap sendiri. Nowadays, dah elok pun, bolehlah bergelak ketawa and main dengan the other children.
Jasmine, the kindy Director in the stripes shirt. So, dah settle semua, kemaskan barang, masukkan lunch box dalam beg masing-masing then off for a long holiday.

harapan la sgt nak dpt cikgu2 mcm ni kat Msia.
ReplyDeletekalau dpt, alhamdulillah.
DeleteYa, I hope so. Nak dapat kena hantar kat private kut sebab gaji lagi besar...hahahhaa