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Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Hari Guru buat guru yang bercuti tanpa gaji

Antara koleksi surat-surat cinta yand I dapat from my students. Rindu saat-saat ini.

To all my students...thanks for all the wishes via Facebook and Twitter although Im not a Teacher for the time being, so here is my appreciation to you guys out there..With students like you, teaching is easy I look forward to each day; Your wondering minds keep me on my toes; You make teaching more like play. Students like you make teaching rewarding; When I go home, I'm content; You pay attention, you learn—giving me A sense of accomplishment. Thank you for being the way you are, For making my job so much fun. I'll remember how good you made me feel, Even when my teaching is done - Joanna Fuchs


  1. Pn. Gina... Nak wish gak... Happy Teacher's/Lecturer's day... hihi... :D

  2. Lovely
    Salam Perkenalan juga

    Ini Mashi
    Thanks Shitah
