Today is Daddy Jack big day cos today is his birthday yang ke 32 tahun. Tiap-tiap tahun Daddy Jack dapat undangan dari Kerajaan Malaysia untuk menyambut hari lahirnya bersama-sama anak Merdeka yang lain. So, kali nie agak istimewa sedikit sebab birthday Daddy Jack jatuh pada Hari Raya kedua.
I hope that everything that you wish for akan termakbul. You even said to me that you want to get your Doctorate before turn 35 and now, akan menjadi kenyataan, Insyallah. At this age, you dah jadi Pensyarah Kanan, satu pencapaian yang cukup membanggakan. I bangga dengan kejayaan you di dalam career, Alhamdulillah, semuanya baik. Tak lupa juga, terima kasih kerana menjadi a good Daddy to Danish and Ryan. You make them proud to have you as their Dad.
We fight, we make up, we share secrets over a coffee cup. Sometimes you're my friend, sometimes a guide, you are the person in whom I take pride. I feel so blessed to have found true love in your arms. I feel so proud to call you my husband. May you be blessed with all that you have ever dreamt of. I promise to always stand by your side and support you whenever you need me. Happy Birthday to the best husband in the world...