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Tuesday 3 January 2012

36 and Proud!

This is Sticky Post..scroll for the new entry

Today is my 36th birthday.…. Some may say I’m getting older, getting nearer and nearer to that big 4-oh! Honestly, I’ve never been much concerned about my age, about how old I’m getting and I’ve never really thought that my outlook affected my age or my age affects my outlook. I’ve always been honest about my age, not really concerned as others are, I might not necessarily be honest about my weight… but my age.. I’ve always been honest about that…

Tahun nie hampir dapat merayakan bersama Ayah dan Ibu serta my siblings but not without Daddy Jack, but I made a decision that I will not leave him alone in Adelaide so I terbang balik ke Adelaide sebulan awal dari apa yang kami rancangkan. Alhamdulillah, dapat menyambutnya bersama-sama.

Tahun kedua menyambut my birthday di Adelaide, just me, Daddy Jack and the boys with a simple celebration and yet full of happiness. Im not hoping any lavish gifts or maybe fine dining, as long as just the four of us will celebrate it as simple as it is. Im so happy to have all of us on this day. If Im in Malaysia, lagi sedih rasanya, sambut birthday with my only true love.

It's my birthday it's my birthday it has finally come,
presents and cakes oh how much fun,
I've been waiting for this time all year,
it makes me smile and not shed one tear,
that's all I have to say,
Like I said before it's my birthday it's my birthday hip hip hooray!

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